Titles of presentations held during the 72nd Meeting of the Aeroballistic Range Association in Tokyo, Japan
Advancements in small calibre ammunition temperature measurement during flight: Methodology and findings
Air-driven two-stage light gas gun in NDA
Ballistic Range Experiment for Space Exploration in Tohoku University
Ballistics techniques to understand glass impact response
Design of a new impact chamber to test hazardous materials
Development of a large caliber powder gun for in-bore low-G's acceleration of active materials and electronic devices: From concept investigations to on-site setting up
Development of facilities and diagnostic for the study of the material behavior under dynamic loading
Experimental ballistic research at FOI
Hypervelocity impact test facility in Kyutech and deflection of asteroid
Hypervelocity impacts on granular media - further experiments
Ignition of large propellant charge
Improvement of THOR formula for glass fiber reinforced plastics
Introduction of hypervelocity impact research in Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Manufacturing of burst disks for the dual diaphragm gas gun at Sandia's STAR facility
Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division shock physics facility
Numerical simulation on rocket sled water break and test results
Oscilloscope requirements for kinematic optical diagnostics (PDV/VISAR)
PERSEE powder launcher: Mechanical and pyrotechnic security aspects
Performance evaluation of M829A4 launching from L55A1 gun
Prediction methods for impact resistance of composite materials using machine learning
Recent research efforts in shock initiation of energetic materials
Shock initiation experiments at cooled temperatures at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory High Explosives Applications Facility
TNO experimental hypersonic & large caliber impact facility
Test method development; ballistic undergarment
The Open University hypervelocity impact laboratory: An all axis aeroballistic range facility
Two-stage light gas gun projectile characterization
Velocity measurements by heterodyne velocimetry coupled to triature VISAR: low velocity and very high dynamic