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73rd ARA Meeting
11 - 16 Aug 2024 in Bryan, Texas, USA, hosted by Texas A&M University

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Membership in the ARA

The ARA is a technical society whose membership consists of organizations involved in the fields of experimental study served by guns and/or related mechanical launchers. Ballistic ranges dedicated to research and/or testing are eligible for membership if they are extensive enough to meet membership requirements as are acemedic institutions that study dynamic mechanical phenomena such as shock physics, impact mechanics, hypersonic flight, etc. Companies that produce R & D facilities, components and/or instrumentation to support such efforts are also eligible.

Participation in our annual meetings and presentation of at least one technical paper per meeting is expected (with exceptions being made for meetings requiring overseas travel).

An organization wishing to join the ARA should send a request to our chairman with sufficient information about itself to allow an initial determination of membership adequacy. If acceptable, the candidate organization will be invited to our next annual meeting where its representative will present at least one paper describing itself, its facilities and its programs. Membership will then be voted upon by member organizations present at our business meeting.

New member organizations are cautioned that formal participation in our technical meetings must not be used for direct sales activities. Space is made available for rent at most of our meeting sites for both member and non-member organizations to set up exhibits which may be operated in manners similar to those typical of commercial displays.

ARA Chairman

© Fraunhofer EMI -- last update 12.03.2024 09:36:23